Journey to Caitlin

Join us on our Journey to our darling daughter, Caitlin Abigail Lian Phillips

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Changsha Day 3

Today we were able to sleep in a bit - we all had a good night's sleep. We did not have to meet for the bus until 10, so we had a somewhat leisurely morning. It was really great to hear from home - it doesn't make you seem so far away.

We went to the Embroidery factory today - Hunan province is famous for its embroidery. The pictures show some of these pieces - the look exactly like paintings, but are actually stitched from silk! The attached shot of a panda actually has a panda embroidered on one side and a tiger on the other - onto the same piece of translucent fabric! It was just incredible.

Nap time for all - we do not have any more excursions today besides dinner - we had leftover pizza for lunch. We might venture out to the store this afternoon, depending on how Caitlin is doing. One of the other Moms (who has 4 other children!) thinks that Caitlin has an ear infection, since she is playing with her ears quite a bit. So to be safe, I am going to give her some Zithromax.

She is also pretty cranky, but I am not sure if that is partly from the ear infection or if it is just the grief over losing her foster mother.

Enjoy the pictures!


  • At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Marie, this is so fabulous! Only you can appreciate how much of an impact your experiences, pictures and emotion are having on me. Can't wait to see you next week!


  • At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Marie, I am so happy for you. I know you will make a great mom! Looking forward to having a play date with our kids soon!



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